Immigration detention centers in Florence and Eloy, Arizona, are kept full. Thousands of women and men are locked behind bars while they wait for their court date. Some stay for months. Others years. All for the decision. Can they stay in the United States? Or will they be deported? Or maybe receive a limbo status, some where in between.
Many wait in isolation. Family and friends are far way. Over the last year and a half, the Restoration Project has begun to write, visit, and offer support to a small number of people who find themselves locked behind bars when they were only seeking life. Some had to leave their countries because of their sexual orientation. Others narrowly escaped death threats and mobs.
Person by person, little by little, something amazing is happening. As we learn from one another. Listen to one another. Write. Visit. Become friends. We share in the magic that comes through human connection. By honoring the dignity of every human being we are all being transformed and liberated.
In the coming year we want to do more. With your help, we can build a stronger lifeline of hope and solidarity for our friends as they wait.
We hope you will join us.
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